Smoothing for both Fixed Time and Constant Velocity scenarios

Used In:

  • Application development stages
  • Designing motion trajectories
  • Testing motion sequences
  • Executing repetitive sequences during testing


Spline Motion mode is used to enhance smoothness when running through a stream of Position points.

The G-MAS can execute multi-dimensional Splines where every Position point in the stream is defined by n Positions, one Position per axis in the Group.

The G-MAS supports two main types of Spline motions:

  • Fixed Time Spline — Where the user must specify the Position and Time values of every point in the trajectory
  • Constant Velocity Spline — Where the user must specify the Position of each point and a combined Velocity.

The G-MAS can calculate smooth trajectories for both types. For Fixed Time method, the G-MAS will complement the Velocity parameter. For the Constant Velocity method the G-MAS will complement the trajectory Time parameter.

Spline motion is restricted to “Interpolated Position” (CANopen networks), or “Cyclic Position” (EtherCAT networks) motion modes where the G-MAS calculates and performs the trajectory.

At the end of a specified FB, using the administrative FB mechanism, a user can precisely change motion parameters (including parameters that are mapped to a communication), IOs and maximum torque.

The axis status and the FB queue status can be queried. This status represents the PLCopen status for the axis.

Design Features

  • Allows fast, smooth and simple motion path creation using different spline modes:
  • There are modes that the Spline Velocity is a parabolic function of time.
  • There are modes that the Spline is executed with Constant Velocity with an Acceleration segment at the start and Deceleration segment at the end.
  • If the user requires a minimal time for the whole trajectory but Constant Velocity is not required, the Spline mode V_AC_DC should be selected.
  • If the user knows the precise time intervals required between each two points and a Constant Velocity is not required, the Spline mode FT should be selected.
  • If the trajectory must be executed with Constant Velocity, then the user should select the Spline modes CV or NP.